Saturday, January 12, 2008

A common word between us and you. Muslim / Christian

Much has been made of a letter that was sent to the Christian church at large from Muslim scholars, clerics, and intellectuals.

The letter speaks to the "common ground" between the two religions. I'm not sure if their is much common ground. Common Ground can be found, but not in the actual religions, perhaps in a vague way as I mention below. However, as a Christian believer we know that Christianity is the only answer. Unless the Muslim faithful come to the saving knowledge of who Jesus Christ truly is, then they in no way can be saved. Putting your trust and faith in who Jesus is the only way to be saved. Repent and believe is what my Bible says. On the topic of common ground which they allude to, I don't see it. They talk about a god. In their letter they vaguely try telling us that their god and our God are one in the same, but I don't see how they are. God sent Jesus Christ to save us, otherwise if the god of Muhammad is God, why would he have wasted the life of Jesus Christ. I don't see God wasting anything, and I don't see God setting up two religions that would compete for souls. What I see in the world news is one peaceful loving religion and one not so peaceful religion based on hatred and killing. Muslims might disagree with that last point, but all one has to do is turn on the news or read the paper to see Muslims killing Muslims, Muslims killing innocent people, and Muslims killing Christians. We don't see the reverse, unless you want to go back to the Crusades or the Reformation. Now this might not be the reality of the situation, but perceptions are powerful.

What I would have liked the letter to say would be something to the effect of... 1. We promise not to persecute Christians in any foreign land to include traditionally Muslim countries. 2. We believe Christians have the right to worship in any country in this world and we support their right to do so. 3. We believe that women have the same rights to the court systems, divorce, marriage, and many, many more topics.... just name them. 4. Religion does not run free countries. 5. We ask that you respect our religion as we respect yours. Knowing we both believe different things, we (us and you) promise to disagree respectfully.

Do you see what I'm getting at. That's cooperation. Cooperation is not us buying off on a ambiguous term of God, which is suppose to talk about our God and your god as the same being. I whole heartily agree that we should respect the rights of any religion but I wholeheartedly disagree when it compromises my faith or who I am in Christ.

The response from our own Christian community is very similar and just as disappointing. We should cooperate and we should let them know that. But our God is not their god and vice versa. I can't and won't apologize for the sins of our fore fathers during the crusades that I'm not even related to. I can't walk away from the trinity and I can't call another religions god, my God. Al Mohler has a great response to this whole mess and I suggest you read it.

Before you get a opinion of any of this, I suggest you read the letter "A common word between us and you", "A Christian response to 'A common word between us and you'", and then Al Mohlers response to the whole topic. I want cooperation, but not religious cooperation. I want peace and I pray to God for peace, but until the hard core fanatics stop spreading hatred in Allah's name with bullets, and until the average Muslim is in the streets telling them to stop spreading Allah's message this way; to me there cannot be cooperation.

Now, I know this may offend some of my Muslim friends. I want you to please not take this as in insult. I do not intend to insult the Muslim faith or your belief's, but just bring clarity to a muddied situation. Lets cooperate, but cooperate in the fact that we will love each other, and respect each others views. My Muslim brother I do love you as God tells me to, but I just disagree with you respectfully.

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